
Chat GPT Advantages, Sign Up, How To Use & Mobile Applications

chat gpt how to use

Chat GPT or Generative Pre-Trained Transformer for Chat is a new application based on artificial intelligence technologies, launched by Open AI on November 30, 2022, It aims to answer questions of information seekers as an alternative to traditional search engines. The American company, Open AI, launched the Chat GPT application for free at first, and it became a paid version ...

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SSC Saudi Sports Channels Frequency for watching SPL & AFC competitions

SSC Saudi Sports Channels

The Saudi Sports Company, KSA, (SSC) has signed a contract with MBC Group to provide broadcasting services after launching new dedicated satellite channels on Arabsat and Nilesat. The new channels will air football competitions in the Kingdom, including the Kings Cup, Prince Mohammed bin Salman League “Saudi Professional League” and Saudi Super Cup for the 2021-22 season. In addition to ...

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وفاة معلمة بالغربية بفيروس كورونا تاركه 4 أطفال

وفاة معلمة بالغربية بفيروس كورونا

نعت مديرية التربية والتعليم بالغربية، الأستاذة إيمان سليمان شخبة معلمة التربية الفنية بمدرسة ميت عساس، والتي توفيت متأثرة بإصابتها بفيروس كورونا المُستجد، داعية الله أن يتقبلها بواسع رحمته، وأن يسكنها فسيح جناته، ويلهم أهلها الصبر والسلوان. وشهدت قرية ميت عساس التابعة لمركز سمنود بمحافظة الغربية حالة من الحزن بعد وفاة أستاذة التربية الفنية إيمان سليمان، التي تبلع من العمر 43 ...

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UAE to modify maritime laws to allow foreign ownership

Dr Abdullah Al Nuaimi, Minister of Infrastructure Development

The new maritime legislation is set to come into force next year Will improve maritime operations and give 100% ownership to citizens wanting to own vessel companies The UAE will introduce tough rules to protect abandoned seafarers, clamp down on ghost ships in its waters and allow 100 per cent foreign ownership of maritime companies. The new measures, revealed on ...

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